50 Ideas for Self-Care

If you just need some good old fashioned self-care (and who doesn't?)...here is a list of great ideas.

1. Listen to your favorite musicHeadphones thumb 26. Go horseback riding
2. Enjoy a long, warm bubble bath 27. Reflect on: "My most enjoyable memories"
3. Go for a walktennis shoes thumb 28. Enjoy a relaxing naphammock thumb
4. Share a hug with a loved one 29. Visit a museum/art gallery
5. Pray 30. Practice yogayoga thumb
6. Attend a caring support groupdebriefing thumb 31. Relax in a whirlpool/sauna
7. Do stretching exercises 32. Enjoy a cool, refreshing glass of water or fruit juice
8. Watch the sunrise/sunsetsunset thumb 33. Star gaze
9. Laughlaughing thumb 34. Window shopfree thumb
10. Create a collage representing "The Real Me" 35. Daydreamlight bulb thumb
11. Reflect on: "I appreciate..." 36. Attend a special workshop
12. Write your thoughts and feelings in a personal journal 37. Reward yourself with a special gift you can afford
13. Attend a favorite athletic event 38. Take yourself on a vacationwhale thumb
14. Do something adventurous (e.g., skydiving) 39. Create with clay/pottery
15. Swing/slide/teeter totterblowing bubbles thumb/blow bubbles 40. Pet an animalmax thumb
16. Play a musical instrumentguitar thumb 41. Reflect on your successes: "I can..."
17. Meditateresiliency thumbnail 42. Write a poem expressing your feelings
18. Work with plantsplant thumb 43. Make a bouquet of flowersflowers thumb
19. Learn a new skill 44. Visit a park/woods/forest
20. See a special play, movie or concert 45. Reflect on: "What I value most in life"
21. Make yourself a nutritious meal 46. Phone a special friendphone thumb2
22. Draw/paint a picture 47. Go on a picnic in a beautiful setting
23. Swim/float/wade/relax in a pool/on the beachswim thumb 48. Practice the art of forgivenessheart thumb
24. Do aerobics/dance
49. Treat yourself to a nutritious meal at a favorite restauranttacos thumb
25. Imagine yourself achieving your goals and dreams 50. Work out with weights or equipment

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