
Some people don't like the idea of seeing a Counselor, or don't need counseling. computer typing

In addition to providing counseling services, we also offer Coaching as an option.

Coaching is a slightly different approach from counseling, and we want to make sure that everyone we refer for Coaching is a good match.

So we do some additional screening before we refer you to a Coach.

Some issues are best handled by a Counselor -- we want to make sure high-risk people are seen face-to-face by a Counselor. People who have a drug or alcohol issue, who are in crisis or suicidal, or need a more supportive approach tend to be better candidates for Counseling than Coaching.

But others find Coaching more convenient and the approach more fitting with their style and approach. Coaching can happen either face-to-face, or online, or through the telephone. Online coaching happens through a series of encrypted emails, so you can email your coach at any time of the day. Phone appointments are scheduled just the same way that face-to-face appointments are scheduled, according to your schedule and your Coach's schedule.img 3447 2996

We do not encourage online Coaching for everyone, as there is no guarantee that we can assure your complete confidentiality. (Your employer may monitor your computer use, or your family may be able to access your emails. We can't control who is looking over your shoulder like we can control your privacy and confidentiality in our office.)

If you think Coaching may be for you, give us a call. We'll take your information, email you the Coaching forms, and screen you to make sure you're appropriate for this service. You can substitute a number of emails back and forth with your Coach for a counseling visit, or phone or face-to-face appointments for your counseling benefit.