Identity Theft - For Corporate Breaches

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Your EAP has solutions for employees impacted by Identity Theft, as well as organizations who experience a data breach.


If your organization experiences a supposed or real data breach, a response plan is a necessity. Call us ASAP and we can connect you with our national ID Theft vendor to help you quickly connect with a specialist in corporate response to these breaches, who can customize a response plan for your review and consideration. They can assist with data breach initial communication, collaborating with the promotion of identity protection and monitoring services, create a co-branded/white-labeled landing page for access to monitoring services, have you provide a service eligibility file for the affected population, and offer personal data security educational trainings for the affected population.

These corporate services are available to our existing EAP customers, but would be charged separately from your existing EAP fees, as they are considered outside the scope of usual EAP services.



If you are ever a victim of Identity Theft, you can call the EAP and we will provide you with a free 60-minute consultation with a Fraud Resolution Counselor.

In the event of an identity theft or fraud-related event, our Fraud Resolution Specialists can help you with seven emergency response activities:

  1. You can receive a Uniform ID Theft Affidavit and get answers to your questions about how to complete it and where to submit it.ID Theft smaller
  2. You can receive fraudulent account forms or letters for itemizing each fraudulent occurrence and advice on where to submit them.
  3. You can be directed where to report the fraudulent activity and how to notify the local and federal authorities, as well as your creditors' fraud departments.
  4. You can obtain the contact information for the three major Credit Reporting Agencies, and advice on how to obtain a free copy of your credit report now.
  5. You can receive information on how to place a "Fraud Alert" and/or "Security/Credit Freeze" on your credit file.
  6. You can receive an ID Theft Emergency Response Kit including contact information and preventative steps to take immediately.
  7. You can be informed and educated about how ID Theft occurs and informed about protective measures to take to avoid further ID Theft occurences and resulting damage to your credit history and credit score.

Call us today to see about obtaining a free Identity Theft consultation!

Note: Most, but not all corporate customers have this benefit for their employees. Call us for availability. For most covered employees, one hour of Identity Theft Consultation may be exchanged for one hour of your counseling benefit.

Free Email Breach ScanBreach scan

The link on the right allows you to enter an email address to scan for potential vulnerability. You can see if your personal or work email addresses have been breached. This scan will also verify what personal information may have been connected with the breach. You can check multiple email addresses for compromised data.

download breach scan flyer imageIf you need additional support to prevent identity theft before it strikes, employees covered by EAP can purchase Premium Protection for 25% off. These services include 24/7 credit and identity theft monitoring, theft insurance, credit reports and scores, and alert notifications. 

[Please note that these additional services are not covered by your EAP and only provided as a discounted option for those who may be interested in these services.]









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Click for our ID Theft Introductory Webinar (Nov. 2020)