Supervisor EAP Referrals
How to refer an Employee to EAP for Performance Problems
An informal referral should be made to EAP when personal problems are not having a negative impact on job performance. This is simply a matter of reminding the employee that they have an EAP benefit. We suggest you document you recommended EAP in case it comes up later or worsens into a performance issue.
A Supervisor Referral to Employee Assistance of the Pacific is appropriate when a job performance problem exists. Note that these are, in most cases, not “Mandatory.” They are a way of documenting that you are trying to get an employee some help for whatever is interfering with their performance, and by the release they sign in the document, you will know whether they attended EAP and are following through with EAP recommendations. (Other personal information is considered confidential.)
To make a Supervisor Referral, a supervisor should:
- Call for a supervisory consultation with EAP to discuss ways to handle the situation and to decide whether a formal referral is appropriate. These calls are free, unlimited, confidential.
- When completing the referral form, point out the specific job performance issues and the corrective action needed. DO NOT try to diagnose the problem. Run this form by your supervisor and/or HR to make sure you don’t write anything inappropriate.
- When informing the employee of the formal EAP referral, express your concern and a desire to help the employee resolve the job performance problems. We have suggestions on the Referral form for talking with the employee.
- Tell the employee "I am formally referring you to the EAP. Remember, the EAP is free and the information discussed in the EAP session is confidential."
- Have the employee sign the referral form, giving his/her permission to have EAP disclose only specific, limited information to the employer.
- Notify EAP at the time of making a formal referral.
- Fax the completed and signed supervisory referral form to EAP at 597-8230 or email to the email address on the form.
- Have the employee make their own EAP appointment.
- EAP will inform you in a week of the employee does not follow through.