Am I Assertive?

Does assertiveness come easily to you most of the time? Or do you sometimes find it a struggle to get your needs met without feeling guilty or causing resentment? Take this quiz to assess your success at assertive behavior and to pinpoint areas where you could become more assertive. Give your answer a number from this scale:


  1. I am comfortable meeting new people in social situations.
  2. I am able to say "no" without feeling guilty or anxious.
  3. I can express strong feelings such as anger, frustration or disappointment.
  4. I can easily request help and information from others.
  5. I feel capable of learning new things and performing new tasks.
  6. I am able to acknowledge and take responsibility for my own mistakes.
  7. I can discuss my beliefs without judging those who don't agree with me.
  8. I am able to express my honest opinion to others, even if they don't agree.
  9. I tell others when their behavior is not acceptable to me.
  10. I can speak up confidently in group situations.
  11. I can express anger or disappointment without blaming others.
  12. I believe my needs are as important as those of others and should be considered.
  13. I can assert my beliefs even when the majority disagrees with me.
  14. I am comfortable delegating tasks to others.
  15. I value my own experience and wisdom.
  • If you scored 45 to 60 overall, you are consistently assertive and probably handle most situations well.
  • A score of 30 to 45 indicates that you are able to be reasonably assertive in many areas but are unsure of yourself in others. Learning assertive behavior techniques would definitely boost your score.
  • If you scored 15 to 30 you may have difficulty being assertive and could benefit greatly from learning and practicing assertive behavior.

Keep a copy of this quiz where you can see it every day. Think of it as your assertiveness "Bill of Rights." Do you see your score changing as you become more aware of opportunities for assertive behavior?

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