Caring for Number One

Self-Love Isn't Selfish

Should you "look out for number one"? Are you part of the "me" generation? Our society sends out mixed messages about self-love. Looked at one way, "number one" and "me" are trying to find the best in themselves. Looked at another way, caring for "number one" and "me" is labeled "selfish." Taking care of yourself seems to fly in the face of childhood lessons of modesty and humility. But taking care of yourself and holding yourself in high esteem can allow you to give much more freely of yourself to others.

Caring for You

Self-love is about you. You take care of yourself and your body. You get enough rest and quiet time to be able to keep things in perspective. You are able to be assertive and to set limits because you care about yourself and you don't want to disappoint others. You are secure in yourself.

Caring for Others

Self-love includes others. When you care about yourself, you are able to reach out and share with others. This, in turn, builds self-esteem and gives you a sense of purpose in life.

Making Lives Better

Self-love enhances the people around you. When you value and respect yourself, you are also able to value and respect others. People who love themselves are tolerant of others and don't feel the need to dominate or put others down. People who have a difficult time loving themselves, however, usually find pleasure only in being at one end of the dominance scale or the other.

The Self-Love Attraction

Self-love brings people to you. Everyone likes to be around people who care about themselves because people with high self-esteem are able to care about others. Far from being selfish, people who have self-love are able to make their own lives, and the lives of others, healthy and satisfying.

Take care of yourself. Get enough rest and quiet time to keep things in perspective. When you care about yourself, you are able to reach out and share with others.

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