ICE Fact Sheet

Facts On Ice:

  • Ice is a highly addictive form of the synthetic substance methamphetamine
  • It is a clear crystal similar in appearance to chipped ice, rock candy, or Hawaiian salt.
  • Ice is the street name for smokable methamphetamine (smoking meth delivers a very concentrated dose of drug which often causes irreversible damage to the lungs).
  • Other names for Ice include: Crystal, Meth, Clear, Ice Cream, Shabu, Crank, and Batu.
  • Ice prices range from $200-$300 a gram (enough for 10-15 hits), to $3,500-$5,000 an ounce.

What's the Difference?

  • Ice is a crystalline form of methamphetamine which is high in purity (90 - 100%). It is similar in size and appearance to quartz or rock salt. An Ice high, depending on the frequency of use, is said to last anywhere from 7 to 24 hrs.
  • Crystal meth is a powdered, less pure form of Ice. Its levels of purity vary depending on how it was cut/made. The effects of crystal meth may last two to four hours.

Ice/Methamphetamine Use/Abuse In Hawaii and Nationally:

  • Child Protective Services records show that 85-90% of children removed from their homes in Hawaii County were Ice or drug-related cases.
  • According to the State Department of Health, in 2002 there were a total of 2,888 ice users admitted to treatment centers in Hawaii. This was double the amount four years earlier.
  • Reports show Hawaii leads the nation in Ice-related problems, according to a statement by U.S. Attorney General, Ed Kubo.
  • Andy Anderson, Hina Mauka’s Chief Executive, said a typical Ice addict hits rock bottom before they seek help. Unfortunately, many can’t afford to continue treatment. It can take [up to] $10,000 to treat a hard-core Ice addict according to Elaine Wilson, former chief of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division.


  • In 2000 a Department of Health study found that lifetime Ice use by students in grades 8, 10, and 12 were 2.3%, 4.5%, and 5.8%. In 2003, the same report showed lifetime use had dropped to 0.9%, 2.7%, and 4.2%.
  • According to Senator Colleen Hanabusa (co-chair member of the legislative Ice Task Force), educating youth is working to reduce Ice use in the state. She also said, “statistics show that use has declined amongst 6th-12th graders because they're getting the message that Ice is not only addictive, but a very bad drug.

Signs and Symptoms of Ice Use:


  • Schizophrenic and psychotic-like behavior
  • Hyperactive and obsessive-compulsive
  • Confused and anxious
  • Binge and crash cycle (users will go for days without sleep, then crash and sleep for long periods of time)
  • Suicidal/homicidal ideals and actions
  • Uncontrollable scratching, or skin picking
  • Irritable, aggressive, erratic, violent behavior
  • Burned, blistered fingertips from holding the “Ice-pipe”
  • Criminal acts to support habit
  • Withdraws from society, or avoids socializing
  • Stops eating healthy altogether
  • Stops taking care of self (Poor Hygiene)


  • Increased blood pressure/body temperatures (106º and higher), and cold sweats
  • Irreversible damage to brain and lungs
  • Dangerous weight loss and malnutrition
  • Shakes, nausea and stomach cramps
  • Extreme depression
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia, panic attacks
  • Tooth decay (due to harsh chemicals being inhaled, involuntary teeth grinding, and poor hygiene)
  • Skin ulcerations, sores in mouth
  • Dilated pupils
  • Chemical body odors and breath
  • Auditory & visual hallucinations
  • Stroke, heart-attack
  • Severe constipation and/or diarrhea


Glass pipes, butane lighters, empty mini Ziploc bags with white powder residue, cut straws and tin foil with burn marks and white residue, scraping devices, syringes, burned spoons, etc.

Legal Issues:

  • Crystal methamphetamine is a Schedule II controlled substance and classified as a dangerous drug.
  • Possession of any amount of a dangerous drug is a class C felony the maximum penalty for which is five years in prison and/or $10,000 fine. Conviction for methamphetamine related offenses has a mandatory six month prison sentence.
  • Possession of one-eighth or more of methamphetamine or the distribution of any amount of dangerous drug, is a class B felony and punishable up to 10 years in prison and/or a $25,000 fine.
  • Possession of one ounce or more, the distribution of one-eighth ounce or more of methamphetamine is a class A felony, punishable by 20 years in prison and/or a maximum fine of $50,000. Methamphetamine related offenses carry a mandatory minimum prison sentence of at least one year.
  • Possession or distribution of a dangerous drug in any amount to a minor is a first degree offense and falls under a class A Felony. The maximum sentence is 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $50,000.

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