Relaxation Exercises
Head and Neck
Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. Take three deep, slow breaths to clear your lungs. Do each exercise slowly, without pain or force.
Hold shoulders and back straight, arms comfortably at your side, hands on knees or in your lap.
Turn your head slowly from left to right 6-8 times. Return head to center, face forward.
Tilt your left ear down slowly towards left shoulder, lift and tilt right ear towards right shoulder. Repeat 6-8 times. Return head to center, face forward.
Drop chin to chest, slowly roll head up and to the left, then up and to the right. Repeat 6-8 times. Return head to center, face forward.
Lift nose up and trace figure - 8's in the air with the tip of your nose. Make 6 to 8 loops then reverse direction for the same number of repetitions. Return head to center, face forward.
Shoulders and Arms
Circle shoulders forward 7 times, then back 7 times.
Circle left arm forward 7 times, then repeat with right arm. Repeat, circling each arm backwards.
Extend right arm across chest towards left shoulder, hold with left hand, turn head slowly from left to right. Repeat with left arm.
Lift left arm up then drop left hand behind your back. Lift right hand up behind your back and reach towards or grasp left hand. Breathe. Hold for a count of 10. Repeat with right arm up and left arm down.
Back and Torso
Stand with both feet planted firmly on floor, feet 4-6 inches apart. Reach up with both hands. Tighten buttocks, tummy and stretch up. Hold for a count of 10. Take hands back down to sides. Relax. Breathe.
Assume same standing position as above. Reach up with both hands. Relax right leg and reach high with left arm up. Reach up with both hands. Relax right leg and reach high with left arm up. Right side will be somewhat relaxed. Hold 3-4 counts; repeat with left leg and right arm. Breathe.
Sit forward in a straight chair or cross-legged on the floor. Place right hand on left knee. Lift left arm up and move it to the left and around to the back. Hold back of chair with hand or place hand on the floor, if seated on the floor. Turn your head to the left, following your arm. Gently return your head, left arm and right hand to a normal position. Breathe. Repeat with opposite side. Breathe.