Self-Assessment for Anger
The purpose of this self-assessment is to encourage self-reflection about anger. Record your responses. Consider your answers - do you need to make any changes? Are there parts you could improve upon? Give yourself some time to honestly reflect on each question before you answer.
Are you angry much of the time?
Do you fear that you will damage others or relationships if you express your anger?
Do you talk about trivial things when you have something important you want to say because you fear you will be rejected or put down?
Do you hide your anger and avoid telling others rather than face the conflict?
Do you hide your anger and avoid telling others what is bothering you?
Do you avoid becoming angry to keep the peace?
Do you express your anger only when it is safe and others will not strike back?
Do you withdraw and become uncommunicative when you are angry?
Do you easily become angry over small inconveniences or relatively inoffensive statements made by others?
Do you often feel unhappy, trapped, or depressed?
Do you fear you will be labeled a nag and a malcontent if you express your anger?
Do you wish you could be freer about expressing your feelings?
An answer of yes to many of these questions is an indicator that anger is an important aspect of your life. Better management and expression of the anger can improve the quality of your life.
If you feel that you need help in this area, call the Employee Assistance Program for an appointment.