Client Intake Form (TEST)

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Invalid Acknowledgment

I understand this form, including the confidentiality in the EAP/PAP and the limitations to confidentiality, and accept it as the terms of my participation in the program. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I can discuss any questions with my counselor during my first visit.

I also understand that I need to contact the EAP office between 8-5 Mondays through Fridays to set up an appointment for services.

Client Information

Invalid Client Name

Invalid Input

Invalid Home Address

Invalid City

Invalid Zip Code

Please enter the Best Phone Number to Reach You

Please make a phone number selection

Invalid Email Address

Invalid May we email you?

Invalid Birth Date

Invalid Input

Invalid Last 4 digits of Social Security Number

If you are not the employee with EAP benefit:

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Background Information

Invalid Input

Invalid Employer

Invalid Job Title

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your Type of Medical Insurance

Invalid Input

What Brings You In?

Please describe your reason for contacting us

Please let us know how long has this been a problem for you

Invalid Input

Please let us know what would you like to accomplish by coming here

Please let us know how serious this problem is for you

Invalid Input

Please enter more details about the problem(s)

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Five Final Questions

Below are a series of statements that refer to aspects of your work and life experience that may be affected by the personal problems you want to address at EAP during the past 30 days. Please read each item carefully and answer as accurately as you can.  Remember that your answers will not be shared with your employer.

Invalid Number of Work Hours Missed


The following statements reflect what you may do or feel on the job or at home.  Please indicate the degree to which you agree with each of the statements for the past 30 days. 

You need to fill out the field: My Personal Problems Kept Me from Concentrating on My Work

You need to fill out the field: I Am Often Eager to Get to the Work Site to Start the Day

You need to fill out the field: So Far, My Life Seems to be Going Very Well

You need to fill out the field: I Dread Going to Work

Invalid Client Signature


If client is under the age of 18, Parent or Authorized Representative Signature is also required:

Invalid Input

Invalid Relationship to client

If you have troubles completing this online form, please download the form and either email it to or fax it to (808) 597-8230.