Layoff Survivor 101

Responding to the loss of a job is often the same as with other losses:
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  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Fear
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance
Acknowledge the loss.
Possible Reactions:
  • Fear/insecurity/worry/anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Withdrawal
  • Guilt
  • Relief
  • Anticipation
Maintain Good Self-Care.
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Uplifting activities
Ignore rumors.
  • Seek accurate information instead
Keep communication channels with your boss open.
Empower yourself.
  • Update your resume.
  • Increase networking opportunities.
Take control of your budget.
Two coping strategies:
  • Use solution-focused thinking — designed to eliminate problems
  • Reduce symptoms — to lessen the sense of hardship you are experiencing


Take time to review

what you can and cannot

realistically control.

 I can control

I cannot control

My time The unexpected
 My attitude Others' attitudes 
How I treat others How others treat me
How I treat myself What people think, say, and do
My emotions Others' emotions
My reactions Others' reactions

You and your family members are eligible to see, at no cost to you, a professional counselor through your Employee Assistance Program.
Call us at (808) 597-8222 to schedule a time to meet with a counselor near you. All services are strictly confidential.

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If you want to know how to get the most value from your EAP, how to best use our services, or how to refer an employee who could benefit from our services, we can help!

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and Managers

If you want to know how to refer an employee who could benefit from our services, how EAP can support your career, and get tools to make your job easier, we can help! 

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If you want to know what your EAP benefit is, how it can help you, the kinds of services you and your family can get, how to use it, and make sure it’s all free and confidential, we can help!

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