Furlough, Layoff, and Termination Information: Resources, Articles & Websites

coronavirus bannerIn light of the challenging business climate we find ourselves in due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we wanted to provide you with some resources your company may find helpful in dealing with any furloughs, layoffs, or terminations that may occur.

We have included a variety of articles, downloadable flyers, and website links appropriate for a variety of situations and audiences, so please be thoughtful how and when you distribute these. Some are appropriate for those being furloughed/laid off/terminated, some are appropriate for their managers, some are appropriate for those still working -- the "survivors."

We are here to help you any way we can during these challenging times.


Layoff and Furlough Articles and Flyers

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Please note that all links on this page are external links. Employee Assistance of the Pacific is not responsible for the content in these links.

Current Articles Related to the Coronavirus

 employees self assessment

Here are some recent articles published specifically in response to the Coronavirus that may help:


Other Helpful Articles

 employees articles

We have included a wide variety of links to additional articles which we hope you find helpful.



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If you don’t have an EAP, want to understand how EAP can help your bottom line and provide a positive ROI, or want to know more about us and how we’re different, we can help!

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Employer Groups

If you want to know how to get the most value from your EAP, how to best use our services, or how to refer an employee who could benefit from our services, we can help!

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and Managers

If you want to know how to refer an employee who could benefit from our services, how EAP can support your career, and get tools to make your job easier, we can help! 

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If you want to know what your EAP benefit is, how it can help you, the kinds of services you and your family can get, how to use it, and make sure it’s all free and confidential, we can help!

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